Programs from B+B Systems, LLC |
View/Edit/Manage .dbf files w/graphing, user customizable interface. Release date: 2008-11-17
Type: Shareware
Price: 250 $
Employee Assistance Program/Case Management/Drug and Alcohol counseling system Release date: 2009-11-19
Type: Shareware
Price: 1250 $
B&B Quick Quote |
Quick Quote displays the costs (labor or parts/products) from a selected job Release date: 2008-08-11
Type: Shareware
Price: 200 $
BBAutoHarvest |
An EASY to use contact manager/follow-up system for customers, or potential cust Release date: 2010-07-12
Type: Shareware
Price: 225 $
bbclient |
For Media companies who want to track their customers/clients, and the ad ags Release date: 2010-07-12
Type: Shareware
Price: 750 $
BBPlayers |
Baseball player development system Release date: 2010-07-22
Type: Shareware
Price: 150 $
Compare the cost of any alternate fuel scenario, for any type of vehicle. Release date: 2008-08-11
Type: Shareware
Price: 1500 $
TirePrices |
Click on Mfg., or Size, or Type, or Misc. Code to see 3 pricing levels Release date: 2010-07-12
Type: Shareware
Price: 225 $
123NumberHelper |
This is a real simple math exercise system for kids. Release date: 2010-07-12
Type: Shareware
Price: 45 $