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System Utilities > Other > Folder Vault

Folder Vault

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2760 Kb
9.95 $
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Folder Vault lock, hide, securely encrypt and protect files and folders in the blink of an eye. With one master password FolderVault will protect your files, folders and even entire drives from being viewed, deleted, renamed, removed or accessed. Encrypt and hide your folders, files, pictures, documents in a flash. Folder Vault has advanced features such as "Stealth-Mode", allowing the user to run the program completely hidden to prevent other snoopers from even knowing it exists. Folder Vault uses advance security features allowing you to hide your folders and files from Windows, Dos and even Safe Modes. Encrypt your files and folders in your "Vault" using 256 bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), also known as Rijndael, a block cipher adopted as an encryption standard by the U.S. government... Use Folder Vault's Log feature to view malicous login attempts. Other features of Folder Vault include: Auto Protect and close your vault, Auto-Shutdown your PC, Erase recent document history, Auto-Empty Recycle Bin, Clean Internet Explorer History, Clear Internet Explorer Address Bar History, Erase Internet Explorer Temporary Internet Files & Cookies, Can't be uninstalled without the owners permission, Hide from Add Remove Programs. Folder Vault can also be used to lock/ hide individual programs on your computer from being run, accessed or used. Block access to your email program such as Microsoft Outlook. Simply lock the Outlook program directory to secure it. Want to lock your Microsoft Internet Explorer favorites from being viewed or used? Simply lock the favorites folder and they will not show up in your browser application. Stealth mode features of FolderVault: Hides from Add Remove Programs Hides all shortcuts from Desktop, Startmenu Hides the program folders Hides from the taskbar Hides from Alt Tab Menu Hides from Task Manager running process list Assign a HotKey combination to bring it back up

Folder Vault

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Commnet: does not support the use of pirated software. Instead of using a "free" crack or serials to programs that you have not bought, you should buy the software. You support future software development by not using cracks or a serial key that is not your own.
Program info:

Operating systems: WinXP, Windows2000, Windows2003, Windows Vista Ultimate, Windows Vista Starter, Windows Vista Home Basic, Windows Vista Home Premium, Windows Vista Business, Windows Vi

System requirements: Windows PC with 256 MB Memory

Installation: Install and Uninstall

Languages: English

Release status: New Release

Changes: Folder & File Lock & Encryption on portable drives

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