Description: Play classic game Cows and Bulls on your Pocket PC.
The objective is to correctly guess the 4 digits number generated by the computer.
A bull means that you have guessed a digit and it is in the correct position.
A cow means that you have guessed a digit but it is in the wrong position.
For example, if the is 5682 and your guess is 5870, then you have scored 1 COW and 1 BULL. The 1 BULL is for the digit "5" which, as you guessed, is in the first position. The 1 COW is for the digit "8" does not support the use of pirated software. Instead of using a "free" crack or serials to programs that you have not bought, you should buy the software. You support future software development by not using cracks or a serial key that is not your own.
Program info:
Operating systems: Windows CE
System requirements: POCKET PC 2003 or higher is needed