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Education > Dictionaries > Italian-English Ext. Dictionary for UIQ 2.0

Italian-English Ext. Dictionary for UIQ 2.0

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2453 Kb
29.95 $
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SlovoEd is a Italian-English & English-Italian dictionary for Sony Ericsson devices (Sony Ericsson P800/P900/P910 and others). Italian-English dictionary contains 35087 entries. English-Italian dictionary contains 37777 entries. Main features of Italian-English & English-Italian SlovoEd software dictionary for Sony Ericsson are: -Additional sound modules -Simple and easy-to-use interface with color marks support. -Quality dictionary databases specially adapted for Sony Ericsson. -Great number of word entries. -Low memory consumption, powerful and fast compression technology that enables high data compression ratio (100, 000 words in 600 Kb) with high access rate. -Full screen and standard modes to show word translation. -Syntactic information support. -Five colors of dictionary appearance -Support of color marks for dictionary entries. -The possibility to save certain words on Flash Cards (a special method of learning new foreign words) and then pass through Flash Cards Quiz. -Search history (last words that you?ve searched before). You can see any word from the history again at any time. -Availability to install several dictionaries at the same time (for example, German-English and English-Italian). -The possibility to install dictionaries on memory cards. -Dictionary interface is available in English and Italian

Italian-English Ext. Dictionary for UIQ

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Program info:

Operating systems: Symbian

System requirements: Symbian UIQ

Installation: No Install Support

Languages: English, French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish, Other

Release status: New Release

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